Embed cyber risks within your risk register

The Cyber Risk Framework Workshop is the third stage of NHS Digital’s Cyber Security Support Model and is designed to provide NHS Organisations with a risk framework to identify cyber security risks and align these to the corporate risk framework.

The Cyber Risk Framework Workshop provides effective cyber risk management by enabling actions that reduce the risk of cyber-attack to be prioritised in a consistent way across organisations. Risks can also be mapped to the existing organisation-wide risk framework.

The Cyber Risk Framework Workshop provides evidence for 6 requirements of the Data Security and Protection Toolkit

The Cyber Risk Framework Workshop is offered to eligible NHS Organisations and can be fully funded by NHS Digital.

What we do

Dionach will work with you to understand your environment.

Using years of healthcare experience, we help you categorise risk and create a cyber risk register.

What's included

Each engagement covers the following main areas:

1. Threat Modelling

  • Threat models can counteract the “controls-first” mind set and also risk assessment driven by vulnerabilities. Threat models can help determine what actual threats exist.
  • Threat models need to clearly define relationships between assets, threats and attacks, to help identify gaps in security controls.

2. Risk Assessment

  • A risk assessment based on ISO 27005:2011 will be developed based on the specific risks identified within the NHS Organisation.
  • Risks associated with third party suppliers will also be identified.

3. Risk Profile

  • The risk profile is a summary of the risk assessment with the critical and high scoring risks listed, along with summary metrics and charts.
  • The risk profile provides an overview of which areas to focus on, and an overall risk score.

4. Remediation Action Plan

  • Risks that are not accepted, based on the risk criteria from the risk assessment will be placed into a remediation action plan which will include tactical and strategic actions, to ensure the root causes of vulnerabilities are addressed.

5. Mapping to Organisation Risk Management

  • Critical risks and high risks from the cyber security risk assessment will be summarised and mapped to the organisation’s existing risk management.


We deliver the whole spectrum of cyber security services, from long-term, enterprise wide strategy and implementation projects to single penetration tests.

Our team works with you to identify and assess your organisation’s vulnerabilities, define enterprise-wide goals, and advise how best to achieve them.

Our recommendations are clear, concise, pragmatic and tailored to your organisation.

Independent, unbiased, personalised – this is how we define our services. We guide you to spend wisely and invest in change efficiently.

Find out how we can help with your cyber challenge

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Contact Us React out to one of our cyber experts and we will arrange a call