Dionach works with clients in a variety of industries to ensure they have the right IT and OT security controls and help them identify potential vulnerabilities.
Financial Services companies are under constant attack. They must understand where their most valuable data is and develop strategies to reduce risk. Dionach has vast experience in delivering cybersecurity solutions in one of the most regulated and challenging industries.
Retailers collect, process and store increasingly large amounts of customer data, including PII and credit card information. Dionach helps to ensure the country’s biggest retailers keep their client’s data safe.
Dionach’s cyber security experts have a solid history of working with Civil Aviation and other transport sectors, delivering safe audits of critical Operational Technology (OT) and Process Control Networks (PCNs).
Dionach led the way in developing cyber security programmes with NHS Digital to understand and improve the security posture of NHS Trusts across England.
Dionach works with key players in the energy industry to ensure they have the appropriate technical security controls and help them identify potential weaknesses.
Dionach pre-identifies the increasing cyber security threats of universities, schools and colleges and minimizes the potential of great financial gain, data theft and espionage.
Dionach develops cyber security infrastructures with high-tech organisations to minimize the attacks and exploits brought by adopting new technologies.
Dionach has many years of experience in delivering excellence in complex cybersecurity engagements for some of the world biggest players in the Oil & Gas industry-predominantly in the Middle East region.