AI Application Penetration Testing

Secure your AI and ML applications against the latest cyber threats. Contact Dionach today for to get started, and take a significant step towards advanced, compliant AI application security.

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What is AI application penetration testing?

AI application penetration testing, also known as AI testing or AI security testing, is the process of evaluating the security of AI systems and applications. It involves simulating real-world cyber attacks to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the system.

The goal of AI application penetration testing is to identify potential security risks and provide recommendations for improving the security of the system. This can include identifying vulnerabilities in the code, testing the system’s response to different types of attacks, and evaluating the overall security posture of the system.

What we do

Dionach provides specialized AI penetration testing for systems that utilize machine learning (ML) and Large Language Models (LLMs). Our mission is to provide advanced security assurance for AI applications, ensuring they are safe as possible from evolving cyber threats in the digital landscape. 

Our expert team conducts specialized penetration tests on AI and ML applications. By simulating sophisticated cyber-attacks, we identify vulnerabilities in your AI systems, particularly LLMs. Dionach’s approach to AI security testing aligns with the OWASP Top Ten for LLM Applications, ensuring your AI applications meet global security standards. 

Prior to testing, Dionach will work with you to determine the scope of testing in terms of LLM, application boundaries, environment, and dependent systems. Post-testing, Dionach provides comprehensive penetration test reports, detailing vulnerabilities in your AI applications and offering strategic remediation plans to enhance their security posture. 

We provide more than just vulnerability assessments; our proactive manual penetration testing service, focusing on the OWASP Top Ten for LLM Applications, help provide assurance for the security of your AI and ML applications. 

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Assurance service

How are Dionach positioned to help Your Organization?

Dionach is a cybersecurity company that specializes in providing comprehensive security services to organizations of all sizes.  Dionach can conduct comprehensive AI application penetration testing of your organization’s systems and applications to identify vulnerabilities and provide recommendations for remediation. It can help you manage your organization’s vulnerabilities by identifying, prioritizing, and mitigating them before they can be exploited by attackers. With over 24 years experience and expertise in cyber security, Dionach can help your organization improve its security posture and protect against cyber threats.


We deliver the whole spectrum of cybersecurity services, from long-term, enterprise wide strategy and implementation projects to single penetration tests.

Our team works with you to identify and assess your organization’s vulnerabilities, define enterprise-wide goals, and advise how best to achieve them.

Our recommendations are clear, concise, pragmatic and tailored to your organization.

Independent, unbiased, personalized – this is how we define our services. We guide you to spend wisely and invest in change efficiently.

Find out how we can help with your cyber challenge



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